[T]argeted [T]raffic [S]olution [G]enerating [P]roven [B]uyers

Written by Joe Sansoucie

[T]argeted [T]raffic [S]olution [G]enerating [P]roven [B]uyers by Joe Sansoucie 2003

Are You Closing Your Eyes To The Profit Potential Of Pay-per-click?


Pay per click search engine or (pay per response).

As an advertiser, using a Pay-per-click search engine give yourepparttar control of how much it costs to reach proven buyers.

"A Pay Per Click Search Engine is a special search engine designed to giverepparttar 104972 advertisers who are just starting out an even chance to compete withrepparttar 104973 big boys!"

How does this happen?

Pay per click marketing isrepparttar 104974 most economical means to getting guaranteed targeted traffic to your site. Not only are you going to get targeted traffic, but targeted buyers! People who are looking for what you are selling!

Normal search engines cannot be relied upon to keep your site inrepparttar 104975 top ten for any given keyword.

Using a Pay Per Click Search Engine empowers yourepparttar 104976 advertiser by offering complete control over your sites ranking.

Start an account today for as little as $25.00. You may bid as little as a penny per keyword only paying "WHEN" someone clicks your link after doing a search for your keyword.

Try it today. Guaranteed targeted buyers to your site for only pennies! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Try creating your account now! http://www.frogsearch.com



Compared to other forms of advertising, Pay-per-click search engines are more effective and less expensive. For as little as a penny!

Let's look at free advertising first.

FFA's, Classifieds, Guestbooks, Ad Boards are all fine and dorepparttar 104977 job that they are capable to do. Collect leads. Raw leads that is.

Forget getting "targeted" leads or visitors from those resources though. You have to "comb"repparttar 104978 "real" leads out of those types of systems before you can make any money.

How about safelists, ezines, opt-in lists, Bulk mail?

(Better targeting).

Well they all are good marketing tools, but by themselves they do not create targeted leads for what you are selling. You still need to "comb"repparttar 104979 "real" leads out of those sources.

Search engines!

Ok how about Yahoo, Alta Vista and other search engines?

How much time do you have? How much time have you put into meta tags, titles, descriptions and such? How often do you submit your site? Got $300.00 because that's what it will take for Yahoo to just look at your site, not place it, look at it!

Do you makerepparttar 104980 keyword loaded doorway and hallway pages associated with traditional search engines? It takes real work and a lot of time to achieverepparttar 104981 top ten placing and even more to keep it when you try to do it for free.

Pay Per Click Search Engines like Overture, Google and FrogSearch gives you exceptional control over your sites placement. Is someone outbidding you? Raise your bid at a click of a button and you're on top!

It's that easy!

You can start an advertisers account onrepparttar 104982 smaller Pay-per-click search engines for as low as $25.00! The larger Pay-per-click search engines have a monthly minimum and a higher account activation fees.

Corruption and Transparency - Part II

Written by Sam Vaknin

II. What to Do? What is Being Done?

Two years ago, I proposed a taxonomy of corruption, venality, and graft. I suggested this cumulative definition:

The withholding of a service, information, or goods that, by law, and by right, should have been provided or divulged. The provision of a service, information, or goods that, by law, and by right, should not have been provided or divulged. Thatrepparttar withholding orrepparttar 104971 provision of said service, information, or goods are inrepparttar 104972 power ofrepparttar 104973 withholder orrepparttar 104974 provider to withhold or to provide AND Thatrepparttar 104975 withholding orrepparttar 104976 provision of said service, information, or goods constitute an integral and substantial part ofrepparttar 104977 authority orrepparttar 104978 function ofrepparttar 104979 withholder orrepparttar 104980 provider. Thatrepparttar 104981 service, information, or goods that are provided or divulged are provided or divulged against a benefit orrepparttar 104982 promise of a benefit fromrepparttar 104983 recipient and as a result ofrepparttar 104984 receipt of this specific benefit orrepparttar 104985 promise to receive such benefit. Thatrepparttar 104986 service, information, or goods that are withheld are withheld because no benefit was provided or promised byrepparttar 104987 recipient. There is also whatrepparttar 104988 World Bank calls "State Capture" defined thus:

"The actions of individuals, groups, or firms, both inrepparttar 104989 public and private sectors, to influencerepparttar 104990 formation of laws, regulations, decrees, and other government policies to their own advantage as a result ofrepparttar 104991 illicit and non-transparent provision of private benefits to public officials."

We can classify corrupt and venal behaviours according to their outcomes:

Income Supplement - Corrupt actions whose sole outcome isrepparttar 104992 supplementing ofrepparttar 104993 income ofrepparttar 104994 provider without affectingrepparttar 104995 "real world" in any manner. Acceleration or Facilitation Fees - Corrupt practices whose sole outcome is to accelerate or facilitate decision making,repparttar 104996 provision of goods and services orrepparttar 104997 divulging of information. Decision Altering Fees - Bribes and promises of bribes which alter decisions or affect them, or which affectrepparttar 104998 formation of policies, laws, regulations, or decrees beneficial torepparttar 104999 bribing entity or person. Information Altering Fees - Backhanders and bribes that subvertrepparttar 105000 flow of true and complete information within a society or an economic unit (for instance, by selling professional diplomas, certificates, or permits). Reallocation Fees - Benefits paid (mainly to politicians and political decision makers) in order to affectrepparttar 105001 allocation of economic resources and material wealth orrepparttar 105002 rights thereto. Concessions, licenses, permits, assets privatized, tenders awarded are all subject to reallocation fees. To eradicate corruption, one must tackle both giver and taker.

History shows that all effective programs shared these common elements:

The persecution of corrupt, high-profile, public figures, multinationals, and institutions (domestic and foreign). This demonstrates that no one is aboverepparttar 105003 law and that crime does not pay.

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